Friday, October 21, 2016

Well....they all have life ..and they all share a single life!

The trees, plants, vegetables, animals,earth,grass,all kind of edibles and even non edibles are one and the all share life with the Source.....

All is One.
Why its necessary to give childen the modern contemporary education? and specially at the time when they are already starting to align themselves away from their true nature.... their actual being which is who they are...It seems painful ....because after gaining materialistic maturity, rest of their life they will be searching for their true nature which was already lost in the early childhood.

Why its like this.....why modern education is all fake...with no answers at all to the questions of answers to who I am...the biggest question and perhaps th only question your soul asks after it has lived for long in this materilaistic world and enjoyed perhaps every bit of this life... and by then this question is never answered.....and for the first time you get out of this slumber and ask yourself why I am here and for what? and this question arises from your whole being and shakes you to the depth of your being so that nothing of you in you has left and all that left over in you is that unanswered question

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

spirit of everything

For how long we will keep on treating the tip of a branch for getting good fruit?
keep on treating the symptoms of diseases?
keep on gazing the tip of an ice berg?

Success or failure?

Success in this world.....when we have done our work wholeheartedly,completely, also in a fine manner ranking high, it brings someone who says because you have done it so perfectly it amounts to nil.....ways are always found out to nullify,or undermine the efforts or achievements someone has done.....thanklessness is the way followed by  those who cannot see out of their short horizons...

A Godly man however never rejects,humiliates,finds fault or is judgmental. He himself is a whole and finds beauty in wholeness.

The more one focuses on the concept of succes and failure the more one is surprised by the layers in which both theses entities are apparent failure an underlying success.... an iminent failure a later success....a complete negation leading to emergence of a new life etc.

And yet many are succeded in many ways but whose success is valid or remains meaningful for ever or atleast for long is....a question mark.....

Thursday, September 22, 2016

One life

We feel that all are one.
There is one life.
Life is one.

Existential crisis

We all ask this question. Intensity of asking this question might be diferent. Is that all there is?
For some of us this question hollows out their inner.
Others ask and pass on, just live with what is.Perhaps question is the answer.
Yes that is all there is.
To let us see the futility of all that there is.
To compare the temporary and the Permanent.
To see all that there is and choose to accept that which is Permanent.

Sunday, September 18, 2016


I think we all are free, free innately, to choose anything we want.
And yet this freedom to choose is least applied in inner life.

The freedom to be, the freedom to be who I am is the biggest freedom one has yet we dont exercise it because of the fear of being alienated.

Fears mask our ability to accept ourselves.
Choose to be yourself, stand by yourself when choices are hard.
Give yourself freedom to choose yourself.
Allow yourself to be ...just be who you are.
And this road of who you are is not always smooth, there are slights, disappointments but there are little victories as well. Both mold you in ways helpful in the future.
Ultimately you are here in this world to unfold and bloom.

Die after you have lived fully.
We all have potentials of different kinds. Let the potential you have polished be your signature mark you give to yourself and through you to this world.

Choose to be yourself consciously. Its closer to your fulfillment and to Divine Will.
What is Divine`s happiness ultimately.

Choose  to be yourself whether it amounts to quitting your comfort zone. We grow outside our comfort zone. As sooner or later this so called comfort zone will decay by Divine orders.....growth has to happen...whole universe is in motion and growth.... seasons, solar systems...

Everyother kind of freedom seems meaningless without you...yourself give yourself freedom to be....

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Positive Energy


With the passage of time as a reader, active searcher and an experiencer and a wonderer I have learnt that our sight, listening  and heart are pure energies. Probably we have many kind of energies operating in us subtly or very obviously. More precisely I can say humans are a collection of energies. Not all comprise positive energies. There might be other types of energies out there that just did`nt match your own vibrations or frequencies. Better identify them well in time before you are robbed off your positive energy.

I also learnt that our thought or even intent is an energy that if you direct to anything can act in some way. We can think or dwell upon a painful event and energize it by repeatedly thinking about it. O r we can treasure a happy memory with us and dwell over it for long( reference: Gretchen Rubin`s The Happiness Project).
Keeping a thought I will soon go to my prayer area and pray for that particular thing caries a positive energy.
Smile for a second is a positive energy(you can try yourself).

All our actions are energies. A little positive act of helping a child get his bagpack on is a positive act  and caries a positive energy.

Words we speak are all energy, we choose what we want to speak.So in a way we can create energy and remember that surrounds ourself eventually.
I learnt through experience that keeping and keep replenishing positive energy boosts my happiness level.
 I also learnt through experience that all surroundig nature is pure energy. Be it grass, or trees or echoes of birds or a small still pond of water, the gentle touch of air, its all energy meant for us to replenish and connect back to the Source.

What keeps you positive


What makes you happy...?

The mere words of happiness or fun makes you happy. Isn`t it.Yet so many of us live in a oblivion of what makes us happy. Isn`t it all about clearing the fog around and find the happiness...pure ...hidden it is.

And when you clear the fog the first thing that starts getting appear is actually the freedom to be yourself,specifically. This freedom to be yourself amounts to happiness ...your happiness, my happiness and universal happiness.

Well when we say that a designer purse, dress,home,car etc doesnt give me happiness, we mean it gives us superiority to me over others not happiness exactly. Happiness is innocent...just pure. It is for you to be happy....just happy. Nothing else. No superiority, winning the race, topped -the- competition etc feeling. Just the feeling of I AM.

For me nothing gave me more access to happiness....pure happiness simply sitting in raw nature or watching a tree or watch a baby or smell a flower, taste fresh mint, see a leave floating on water....

Born in a society where norms are laws, expectations are a binding, unmet expectations turn into guilt, it s the biggest blessing to allow yourself to accept who you are and do what you want without giving an explanation of your personal notion of happiness.

Can we say freedom to be yourself and allowing yourself to accept this freedom and letting yourself be without any self judgement is happiness. For me it is. I think for many of us it is.

If we see the universal search for happiness in one form or the other, is it that we fundamentally lack something in our lives...?
Probably we teach ourself for the belief I am not happy...something out there needs to make me happy`
That s what having gratitude works or having counting your blessings serve. It just switches our state of mind from what I dont have to what I have (to be happy with.... ultimately).