Saturday, September 17, 2016


What makes you happy...?

The mere words of happiness or fun makes you happy. Isn`t it.Yet so many of us live in a oblivion of what makes us happy. Isn`t it all about clearing the fog around and find the happiness...pure ...hidden it is.

And when you clear the fog the first thing that starts getting appear is actually the freedom to be yourself,specifically. This freedom to be yourself amounts to happiness ...your happiness, my happiness and universal happiness.

Well when we say that a designer purse, dress,home,car etc doesnt give me happiness, we mean it gives us superiority to me over others not happiness exactly. Happiness is innocent...just pure. It is for you to be happy....just happy. Nothing else. No superiority, winning the race, topped -the- competition etc feeling. Just the feeling of I AM.

For me nothing gave me more access to happiness....pure happiness simply sitting in raw nature or watching a tree or watch a baby or smell a flower, taste fresh mint, see a leave floating on water....

Born in a society where norms are laws, expectations are a binding, unmet expectations turn into guilt, it s the biggest blessing to allow yourself to accept who you are and do what you want without giving an explanation of your personal notion of happiness.

Can we say freedom to be yourself and allowing yourself to accept this freedom and letting yourself be without any self judgement is happiness. For me it is. I think for many of us it is.

If we see the universal search for happiness in one form or the other, is it that we fundamentally lack something in our lives...?
Probably we teach ourself for the belief I am not happy...something out there needs to make me happy`
That s what having gratitude works or having counting your blessings serve. It just switches our state of mind from what I dont have to what I have (to be happy with.... ultimately).

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